When Eliza was 14 months old I took her to Gran Canaria. Every morning before sunrise I strapped her to my chest and off we would go to hit the highest point of the peak and watch the sunrise together over the ocean.
When Eliza was 14 months old I took her to Gran Canaria. Every morning before sunrise I strapped her to my chest and off we would go to hit the highest point of the peak and watch the sunrise together over the ocean.
Je suis une auteure, compositrice et chanteuse du Cameroun, et ces dernières années j’ai eu la chance de partager ma culture Eton et mes spectacles dans 4 continents, et en particulier aux Îles Canaries.
Je suis Ziggy, journaliste et entrepreneur touristique.
J’étais enthousiaste pour l’année 2020 car ce serait l’année où j’allais enfin soutenir ma thèse de doctorat en médecine et réaliser d’autres projets qui me tenaient à coeur.
Curiosamente, a pesar de ser una persona muy activa, en este confinamiento me he sentido agobiada por no poder llevar el ritmo al que estoy acostumbrada.
Estos días no hago más que recordar que, hace justo un año, pasé una semana de ensueño en Gran Canaria, concretamente en Maspalomas.
Sin duda lo que más echo de menos son los espacios abiertos.
Lockdown has been a very strange time for all of us. It has made me feel sad at times but I’ve also enjoyed having a bit more time to slow down and focus on my wellbeing.
Lockdown has given us plenty of time to organise and get on with all those little jobs we keep putting on the ‘to do’ list.
I’m guilty. Guilty of slouching in bed while working from home, guilty of constantly snacking during lockdown, guilty of binging a Netflix season in one day, but most of all I’m guilty of taking travel for granted.
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